Monday, 2 January 2012

Occupy Phase II: The Supreme Court

Occupy Phase II: The Supreme Court

The Wall Street Journal recently reported on clandestine insider trading deals, where elected officials in Washington revealed key elements of legislation before passage, enabling financiers to turn huge profits.

The National Defense Authorization Act signed by President Obama creates a legal gray area that could deny Americans due process rights. The same Congress that voted down creating millions of good-paying jobs for unemployed constituents without batting an eye is the same one seriously considering censorship of the internet.

On the first day of the 2012 legislative session (and the fourth anniversary of Occupy Wall Street), Occupy is aiming to mobilize hundreds of thousands in Washington on Jan. 17.

At Occupy Congress' 11 a.m. national general assembly meeting, two solutions must be proposed -- to rally behind Sen. Bernie Sanders' Saving American Democracy amendment as a state-by-state effort to undo corporate personhood, and to immediately gather all numbers onto the steps of the Supreme Court in protest of the Citizens United vs. FEC ruling.

The corporate media's unkind one-sided Occupy coverage of our movement has hurt our image, steering focus on our camps instead of our cause.

Syndicated columnists and network commentators constantly accuse us of lacking focus or direction. But acting on these two solutions both solidifies the remaining resolve of the Occupy movement, and creates a winnable goal based on a central demand.

A proposal to stand behind the Sanders amendment followed by mass arrests of thousands on the steps of the Supreme Court would be the perfect catalyst to a state-by-state movement focused on ending corporate personhood for good.

When Occupiers get back to their cities, they could start by participating in Move to Amend's Occupy the Courts on Jan. 20.

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