Sunday 12 August 2012

Man Jailed For Collecting Rainwater Begins Sentence

After an 11-year battle with the state of Oregon, landowner Gary Harrington was found guilty under a 1925 law and sentenced to spend 30 days in jail for collecting rainwater in three "illegal reservoirs" despite the fact that they are on his property. 

After refusing to follow an order to empty the "reservoirs" (which in reality are little more than large ponds), Harrington decided to follow through with the jail sentence as an example to other Americans as to how far the country has slipped from its constitutional values.

 Harrington's case has become a cause célèbre for Americans sick to the back teeth of big government interfering in property rights.

Flanked by protesters gathered outside of the Jackson County (Ore.) Jail, Harrington said he loved his country and was willing to go to jail "to get the truth out and restore freedom and common sense in America."

 "I'm sacrificing my liberty so that we can wake up as a country and stand for our liberty," said Harrington, adding that his campaign had only just begun.

As we have documented, Harrington's case is just one of dozens across the country that illustrate how the establishment is using draconian regulatory powers to eviscerate property rights and re-define Americans as de-facto feudal slaves with no inherent rights whatsoever.

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