Saturday, 31 December 2011

Occupy Congress - January 17 - 2012

Los Angeles to DC to join the Occupy Congress Action on January 17, 2012. It has become evident that our United States Congress can no longer govern effectively. We will converge on our nation's Capitol to let Congress know that both parties need to put aside their petty bickering and urgently search for common ground. Americans cannot wait another year. Plan ahead to share rides & caravans for a cross country road trip. or Book your flights now! Bring a tent!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012 at 10:00 until Saturday, 31 March 2012 at 10:00

No Transport?  Get there on the Occupy Bus

Occupy Bus is dedicated to the logistics of the Occupation movement 
We're using the social power of the web to help people self-organize bus trips to the camps of the occupation movement. The concept is simple:
  1. Reserve a seat on the bus from your town to the camp
  2. Once we've received enough reservations along a route, we confirm the bus
  3. Prepare and load the Occupy Bus on the day of the deployment
  4. Get to the camp, unload, and become part of the Occupation movement
  5. Choose to Occupy or come home at the end of the day
We will offer these trips repeatedly and will send a bus anytime we reach the minimum. Subsequent Occupiers can reinforce the camp. Earlier Occupiers can take any bus back home for free.

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