Wednesday 8 August 2012

Kleptocracy: debt as a method of legalized robbery

Debt is the mechanism that makes legalized robbery possible. This is why stopping the payment of our debt is an imperative in the defense of a decent life.

The neoliberal logic of (mis)government can be identified with a type of regime that is established with each measure that gets approved: kleptocracy. 

From the Greek kleptēs or theft and kratos or rule, it can be defined as “government of those who steal”. 

Given that we are speaking of an illegitimate robbery, one can say, straight out, that we are facing a “government of thieves”. This is a matter of a kind of regime that consists not of government of, by and for the demos (as in democracy), but of government in the service of the logic of the priva(tiza)tion of resources that were once public.

A simple example: if university fees go up and only a minority can pay them, but we all fund public universities with our taxes equally, where is the redistribution of wealth?

Where is the equality of opportunities? Where are the principles of the welfare state? Where is the Constitution? This, however, is how kleptocracy works: it subtracts from the 99% to give to the 1%.

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