Tuesday 10 July 2012

Tens of Thousands March in Mexico Against Right's President-Elect

Accusations of vote-buying fuel ongoing anger among students, unionists, and leftists

Tens of thousands of students, unionists, leftists and angered citizens marched in Mexico's capital on Saturday to protest Enrique Pena Nieto's apparent win in the country's presidential election, accusing his PRI party of vote-rigging, fraud, and corruption.

Some marching carried signs reading: "Peña, how much did it cost to become president?" and "Mexico, you pawned your future for 500 pesos." Peña Nieto's Institutional Revolutionary Party is said to have enticed voters with pre-paid gift cards, free groceries, and other goods in exchange for votes.

The student protest movement in Mexico, best known under the moniker #YoSoy132, has been ongoing since before the elections and emerged following revelations about Pena Nieto's links to the media giant Televisa, saying that both manipulate public opinion to consolidate their own power.

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