Wednesday 18 April 2012

Pork Lobby Forces Small Pig Farmers To Shoot Their Baby Piglets

I was served a search warrant yesterday at 7: 45am.

After 8 guys 3 four wheelers, and 4 hours, DNR decided I was correct. I have killed all my hogs. They gave me papers that say I do not have any hogs on my property. All they saw were dead hogs laying around from my mass slaughtering. It took 12 guys 4 times in there to kill all of them, sows with young, Pregnant sows, dozens of piglets, and old mature boars. It has been a sad few weeks.

The Bakers have published a very well put together video that describes the state sanctioned violence that is being directed against them and other small farms. Watch a man’s family get run out of business by the state:

You may not have heard about Bakers Green Acres family farm before, but their story is as tragic as it is common. You see, farms like the Bakers are being assaulted by armed commandos in state issued costumes for the heinous crime of raising pigs humanely. If that doesn’t make any sense to you, welcome to the land of the free!

Allow me to explain. The Bakers raise a particular type of hog that can withstand the tough Michigan winters outdoors. This outdoor type of pig farming is very humane and very cost efficient. The pigs get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while eating as much as they like. As far as being a pig goes, they are living the high life. Meanwhile, the large corporate pig farms raise a different breed of hog indoors under extremely inhumane conditions. The corporate pigs actually have to have their tails docked to prevent them from cannibalizing themselves under the stressful conditions.

Because the Bakers are able to raise hogs so efficiently, they pose a competitive threat to the corporate indoor pig farms. Thus, the pork lobby in Michigan decided it would try to push a bill through that labeled the type of hogs being raised by the Baker family as being “feral” in order to drive the outdoor pig farmers out of business. - The lobby was successful. Now, it is a felony in Michigan to raise pigs that have the specific characteristics of the Bakers’ hogs that allow them to withstand the cold climate outdoors.

Of course, the pork lobbyists didn’t actually show up with guns, they simply managed to get a bill passed in the Michigan state legislature that had armed government agents do their dirty work for them.

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