Friday 8 March 2013

How To Win The War For Your Mind

For the past century, at least in the United States, a subversive and secret cold war has been waged against the people in the form of psychological subjugation. 

This cold war is designed to weaken our resolve, our heritage, our self-belief, our confidence and our integrity in preparation for a “hot war” against our time-honored Constitutional rights. 

The power elite know well that the most effective strategy for victory in any battle is to convince your enemy to surrender before the fight even begins.

Today, the American populace is being conditioned to lie down and die a mental death, to give up the inner war, so that when the outer war comes, they will already be defeated.

Corrupt governments rely heavily on what they call “psyops,” which are primarily propaganda initiatives meant to demoralize their target (usually the citizenry). In the case of a despotic regime, psyops involves the insinuation of lies, half-truths, threats and brutality that is choreographed to elicit a very specific reaction.

It is used to instigate strong emotional responses en masse that will work in favor of the oligarchy. The following guidelines can shield you from the arrows of deceit, allowing you to maintain control and avoid being unconsciously influenced to labor against your own cause…

Excellent article for any and all protestors!

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