Wednesday 3 October 2012

Animal Activists Arrested at Farmer John Slaughterhouse

At 10:50 am Pacific Time this morning, FARM president Dr. Alex Hershaft led a somber protest as a small group of activists put themselves on the line in the name of animal freedom. 

The setting was Farmer John, the largest slaughterhouse on the West Coast. As the transport trucks turned in for their morning delivery of new victims, they found the entrance to the slaughterhouse blocked by two brave people, forcing the slaughter operations to come to a temporary halt. 

Few people can relate to the tragedy of animal agriculture better than Alex Hershaft, a holocaust survivor. In his own words,

“The bucolic murals depicting pigs cavorting in verdant fields that mask the brutal slaughter of millions of innocents behind those Farmer John walls are just as devious and cynical as the inscription ‘Work makes you free’ upon entering the Auschwitz death camp.” 

 But FARM’s activists know that actions speak louder than words. While being arrested may bring discomfort, it is nothing compared to the horrors inflicted on billions of animals each year.

The necessary work is far from done, so stand in solidarity with these courageous demonstrators. Follow this story and its developments on the FARM Facebook page.

Respect animal rights, don't eat meat or at least make sure it comes from local, organic, free range farms.  Go look, ask your butcher.  Don't be poisoned by corporate greed!

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