Tuesday 18 September 2012

#S17 1 Year Anniversary of OWS

Protestors loaded into a paddy wagon for a sleepful protest outside of City Hall in NYC tonight. Cops evicted a small group of protesters, but then more people showed up and reclaimed the space.  From Occupy Miami.

 Photo: Jenna Pope Photography

 The cops then moved in, surrounded those who were sitting/laying down in the larger group, and did not give them a chance to leave before arresting them. 

 So far, #S17 has been marked by the NYPD's characteristic snatch-and-grab techniques. Anyone, at any time, is randomly pulled from the march and arrested. Reasons include: wearing a bandanna, holding a sign, holding a banner, marching on sidewalk, standing on sidewalk.

Mayor Bloomberg has snuffed our democracy in NYC.

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