Tuesday 25 September 2012

Homeland Security is Working for Monsanto

When we see photographs of rats grossly deformed by massive tumors after eating genetically engineered corn laced with Roundup, it's not good news for Monsanto.

People understand instantly in looking at those pathetic rats that organic food is not a niche market or a expensive luxury, but a life or death issue, because the rats were fed corn that is part of the American diet.

All the studies that were required but bypassed before GMOs were unleashed into the food chain seem compressed into this one devastating study by CRIIGEN.

The Monsanto lies are exposed. People must avoid GMOs at all costs and eat organic food if they are to survive.

But Monsanto has been assiduously preparing for this day of public realization, corrupting the FDA (Monsanto VP Michael Taylor is charge of "food safety" and ensuring it through armed raids against organic farmers, organic coops, and mothers' organic buying clubs!), the USDA (which has funded development of a corn to sterilize humans), the EPA (which is going after hay on an inland ranch as a pollutant under the Clean Water Act, while ignoring serious oil spills into major rivers), and any other agencies standing in the way of getting its death-causing products released as quickly as possible into the environment.

But however outrageous the efforts to force GMOs onto India, they are small potatoes compared to what Monsanto and the biotech industry have done behind the scenes in the US where they have arranged for Homeland Security to define organic food - the only safe food - as a bio-security threat.  

Basically, what is owned by the biotech/industrial food system and killing people is "good" and what is from nature, healing, and free to humanity, has been redefined as a biologic threat, and potentially as bioterrorism. This should come as no surprise, really, given the takeover of the US government by Monsanto and the parallel redefinition of patriotic Americans as terrorists, too. The more positive something is, the more Orwellian its redefinition as dangerous.  

And we are now starting to understand that vaccines come from those same GMO and pesticide companies, contain GMOs and toxins, and are also killing people. The vaccine experiment parallels the GMO experiment - it's massive, involuntary, and damaging children. And there, too, there is an effort to ban natural supplements as dangerous, and Homeland Security is set to force vaccines on the country if a "pandemic emergency" is declared (not proven).

This vaccine attack on normal human DNA parallels the potential DHS bioterrorism attack on organic food.  

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