Monday 9 July 2012

We are the Kalamazoo Solidarity - Tar Sands

 July 25 marks the two-year anniversary of the tar sands oil spill in Michigan’s Kalamazoo River – the largest tar sands spill in U.S. history. On that day, over a million gallons of tar sands sprayed out of Enbridge’s oil pipeline, filling the county with noxious fumes, oil-slicked ducks, and just plain ruin.

So, on July 25, 2012, we will organize "human oil spills" and other pipeline actions wherever tar sands oil threatens harm, to send oil companies a message they can't ignore - We don’t want your dirty oil on our lands, in our water, or near our homes.

However you choose to participate, your voice is needed in this fight — and you can sign up here to host a local action.

During that same week of July 25, there will also be New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers Conference in Burlington, Vermont. We plan to be at this summit en masse to deliver your message so we want this meeting to be inundated with news of people and communities across the region standing together to say No Tar Sands Oil expansion.

We plan to be at these summits en masse to deliver your message so we want both of these meetings to be inundated with news of people and communities across the continent standing together to say No Tar Sands Oil expansion.

Please join us — on July 25, and during this pivotal week. Together, we may just send a message that cannot be ignored. 

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