Saturday 30 June 2012

National Occupy Guitarmy 99 Mile March, July 5-11 2012

A call for support from Occupiers, Friends, and Musicians from Philadelphia to New York City

The Occupy Guitarmy is spearheading #99MileMarch from Philadelphia to New York City from July 5 to July 11, 2012 in honor of Woody Guthrie’s 100th birthday (July 14, 2012) and in celebration of the National Gathering of Occupy movement.

We call on Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York musicians, social justice activists, union members, and occupy supporters to help support our action.

We actively seek: daily, overnight, and long haul marchers, daily location event organizers, street medics, guitar techs, kitchen staff, live-streamers, caravan vehicles, oral historians, and general volunteers.

We ask that marchers, volunteers, and on-site supporters of our action visit our website ( to engage with us in advance. Please contact us if you plan to march with us!

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