Thursday 1 March 2012

#SpringIsComing: The Evictions of Occupy London Show the Authorities are Scared

May looks like a good month. Spring is coming. And so are we.

As the bell tolled for midnight the bailiffs came. Backed by around 400 police and riot officers they encircled the occupation of St. Paul's. Christians kneeled down on the steps of St. Paul's in prayer would be thrown to the ground on the orders of the cathedral itself, and I would see the absolute compassion and anguish on the face of Canon Giles Fraser as the police prevented him from comforting those for whom his resignation from St. Paul's had so inspired.

The weather is warming. The government is preparing for a summer of pomp and circumstance. Occupy and others are preparing for resistance. We need to unite. For we realise the state is scared now, but imagine their fear when we march side by side. As the character "V" said in the story that inspired so many Guy Fawkes wearing activists "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."

May looks like a good month. Spring is coming. And so are we.

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