Sunday 29 January 2012

Has Vulture Capitalism broken Lady Liberty's heart?

Has Vulture Capitalism broken Lady Liberty's heart?

Absorb this statement and allow it to fully digest in your mind. The statement "I believe in America, America has made my fortune" is the "mojo" (magical spell) that motivated poor and not-so-poor people who lived thousands of miles away to completely abandon all hope of ever reconciling their differences / disappointments with their native country and without fear or hesitation, sell all that they owned and book steerage aboard a steamer heading west to a "magical land" where hard work and sacrifice could transform a peasant from Austria-Hungary into a millionaire.

Now, let's fast forward to living in America in the year 2012...Sadly, it appears that unless you are the one in 50 million that will hit the mega-buck lotto or can be become a winning star contestant on "American Idol" or be born with some phenomenal athletic ability, most working Americans will live their life trying not to drown in debt that they've obtained from buying into an economic / banking system that glamorized using credit cards as a vehicle to fulfill American materialistic fantasies.

Today the descendants of 19th and 20th century immigrants from Europe are more at threat of being homeless than their great grandmother and great grandfather.

No matter how you slice it, when it comes to income and wealth in America the rich has become richer and the poor and rapidly evaporating middle class has become poorer.

In closing, while political movements like Occupy Wall Street are fighting "the good fight" to end the crony capitalism (disguised as the "Free Market") that is sucking the life out of America's remaining 99%, corporate vultures that resemble Edgar Allen Poe's "Raven" are circling high in the sky over New York's Ellis Island and it appears that "Lady Liberty" the ageless American iconic symbol of "hope and prosperity", is weeping.

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