Thursday 1 December 2011

Testing Anthrax Vaccine on Children and Babies?

Testing Anthrax Vaccine on Children and Babies?
It’s the biggest medical scandal in U.S. history… and it hasn’t even happened yet!
The feds are getting ready to pump children and possibly babies full of the anthrax vaccine — despite the fact that this same vaccine has already been linked to nerve damage, autoimmune disorders and even DEATH in adults.

Ethically, the only option here is to test for antibodies after the shots — but let’s be realistic here: Antibodies alone won’t tell the whole story. The only way to REALLY tell for sure if the vaccine actually prevents anthrax is to deliberately expose the children to anthrax — including an unvaccinated control group.
And if you think our government would never, ever do something like that… well, you just don’t know our government very well.

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