Wednesday 7 December 2011

Success at Court for Cleveland Ohio

CLEVELAND, Ohio --Cleveland has agreed to let Occupy Cleveland demonstrate 24 hours a day on Public Square, after the group took the matter to court on Wednesday. 

The two sides met with U.S. Judge Dan Aaron Polster, after lawyers for Occupy Cleveland sought an injunction to stop the city from interfering with protests after 10 p.m., the curfew in city parks.

Police arrested 11 of the group's members Friday in the northwest section of Public Square, also know as Tom Johnson quadrant, for violating curfew.

Polster brokered an agreement Wednesday between the city and protesters and then directed the city to issue a permit through the end of November for the northwest quadrant. It exempts Occupy Cleveland from the curfew law but does not strike down the law itself. Protesters are allowed to demonstrate on the square but not camp there.

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