Wednesday 7 December 2011

The camps may be dispersed, but the art of Occupy Oakland lives on

The camps may be dispersed, but the art of Occupy Oakland lives on
Occupy protesters throughout the nation managed to create an informational campaign that went globally viral for months. Now, as activists scramble to build a phase two, a look at the creative legacy of Occupy 1.0 shows how Bay Area artists helped develop its artistic language.

“I think what’s different is that this Occupy movement is translatable and adaptable,” said Danielle Siembieda, an Oakland-based artist in her 30s, who manages social media for Zero1, a nonprofit exploring the intersection of technology and art. Occupy, she said, is not so much a singular protest as a template, reapplied to target cities, businesses, even cyberspace. “The artists have been able to translate back and forth between these scenarios,” Siembieda said.

There was “Occupy The Internet,” an html script that displayed a line of animated gif protesters that people could insert into their webpages to show support ...

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