Friday 2 December 2011

Occupylsx to be Evicted but NO Health and Safety Threat!

Occupylsx to be Evicted but NO Health and Safety Threat!

The Corporation of London served the notices to try to evict the camp members during Wednesday's strikes.

The enforcement notice warned activists that the camp was not "an appropriate use of land".

"It adversely affects the setting of the cathedral and other listed buildings and does not preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the St Paul's conservation area. It adversely impacts other uses in the locality including worshippers and businesses," it said.

However, during the corporation's regular common council meeting, Stuart Fraser, chairman of the policy and resources committee, admitted that environmental health officers found no health and safety threat to workers or tourists around St Paul's. 

He also reported that the court case that is due to begin in the high court in a few weeks could last until mid-January when time to appeal was taken into account.

Protesters will have 48 hours to comply with the notice, which takes effect on 30 December unless an appeal is made beforehand.

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