Friday 2 December 2011

Kucinich bill seeks to end the Federal Reserve

Kucinich bill seeks to end the Federal Reserve

 A bill put forward by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) would do what libertarians and conservatives have long wished for: effectively end the Federal Reserve.

The National Emergency Employment Defense (NEED) Act of 2011 would place the Federal Reserve, a private, qusai-governmental institution that controls the nation’s monetary policy, under control of the U.S. Treasury. It would also implement new rules for the financial industry, in hopes of ending the worst abuses that created the 2008 financial collapse and the ensuing recession.

“Ten million homes are in jeopardy,” he explained in a recent plea for support published to YouTube. “Fourteen million people out of work. Fifty million without health care. Endless wars. The Fed creates money out of nothing, gives it to banks, banks keep it on deposit, gain interest, pay high bonuses — fat city — while the rest of America falls apart. The Fed creates money out of nothing for the banks. Meanwhile, the rest of us have to be stuck in a debt-based economic system? I don’t think so.” 

“Now do you understand ‘Occupy Wall Street’?” he asked.

Along those very lines, The NEED Act calls for “creation of money by private financial institutions as interest-bearing debts” to “cease once and for all.” It would also block commercial banks from betting depositors’ funds on risky investments like credit default swaps and derivatives, essentially restoring the wall of separation between commercial and investment banking that was toppled by repealing the Glass-Stegall Act.

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