Sunday 4 December 2011

Inter Occupy - Mass Communications  is the hub of communications between occupations of the Occupy movement.  We are currently hosting weekly conference calls that connect specific working groups to each other across occupations.

> We also host a weekly general call on Monday nights at 7pm PST/8pm MST/9pm CST/10pm EST.
> For more information about upcoming calls, please visit our Calendar page.

> For shared information from occupations, please see our Resources or Announcements page (coming soon).
> For upcoming Mass Actions, please visit our Mass Actions page

Committees of Correspondence (Inter-Occupation Communication Working Groups)

InterOccupy is a collaborative effort being maintained by Inter-Occupation Communications Working Groups from local occupations.  If you are with a Communications Working Group, please visit our Committees of Correspondence page for instructions on how to get more involved with us, or simply to let us know who you are so that we can help others network with your occupation.

We look forward to working together to ensure these communication channels remain strong and adhere to the open, transparent, and democratic nature of our movement.

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