Thursday, 10 November 2011

Chris Hedges: "This one could take them all down." Hedges on OWS w/ OccupyTVNY -- 10/15/11

A Wonderful interview, Sincere, Transparent and Love for a Better World

Chris Hedges brings his 20 years of experience as a war correspondent having covered movements and revolutions throughout the the world to his discussion. "What happens is in all of these movements ... the foot soldiers of the elite -- the blue uniformed police, the mechanisms of control -- finally don't want to impede the movement and at that point the power elite is left defenseless ...I can guarantee you that huge segments of those blue uniformed police sympathize with everything that you're doing. The only thing I can say having been in the middle of similar movements , is that this one is real, and this one could take them all down ..."

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