Saturday, 11 May 2013

The Vermont House passed GMO labeling bill

What’s also interesting to note about this legislation, which is similar to Prop 37, is that it’s really the farthest in the legal system that any such bill has gotten. 

 Prop 37 ultimately came down to a vote in California, and we know there was extreme foul play there with the Monsanto-backed organizations who sought to sabotage the entire GMO labeling initiative due to profit incentives, but the Vermont bill here can quite simply be passed by the Senate and be on its way to implementation.

I am very hopeful about this bill, and I think if we gather enough activism on this front we can send a message to the Vermont Senate that effectively reads:

We will not tolerate Senators who betray the health of the public for profits and lobbyist relationships. 

I encourage everyone, whether you live in Vermont or not, to generate awareness over this issue. Share this article far and wide, and start demanding that GMO labeling be taken seriously.

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