Monday 17 September 2012

Pakistan fire victims producing for German low-cost retailer KIK

Pakistan fire victims producing for German low-cost retailer KIK

Labels from German brand KIK found in factory
KIKfailed to respond to calls for action
Campaigners call for brands to take immediate action


The Clean Clothes Campaign today express their shock and outrage at the failure of German company KIK to ensure that workers in its supplier factories are employed in safe working conditions after it was confirmed that Ali Enterprises, which last week burnt down killing almost 300 people, was producing jeans for the low-cost retailer.

Around 650 workers were working at the Ali Enterprises factory when the fire broke out last Tuesday. Locked fire exits, barred windows and blocked stairways meant almost half of them perished. Many others were injured after jumping from the top floor of the building. The factory was not legally registered and had not undergone any building checks or government inspections.

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