Monday 17 September 2012

Driving through the Chemical Spill and Police Checkpoint in Braithwaite, LA

Think Hurricane #Isaac wasn't that bad? A massive chemical spill + Oil Showing up in the Bayou & beaches from the BP Oil Spill + Bio-Remediation never done in the 7 years since Katrina= Environmental & Human Catastrophe...

The media wants you to think everything is alright, but its going to take long term effort and alternative institution building to solve this challenge. Are WE, as people, ready for this CHALLENGE? #OccupyIsaac & the Common Ground Collective are laying down the challenge, are you ready to answer it?

To help:

1. Visit the #OccupyIsaac Interoccupy Hub [ ] and get hooked up on our conference calls, email lists, facebook pages and twitter feeds. Then inform people about the need to build alternative institutions and power in the gulf. The politicians, wall street and oil companies are content to let South East Louisiana slip into the toxic sludge of the Gulf. ARE WE?

2. Get information about what to send & where to send Care Packages from the hub.

3. Donate to our Fund to help feed Survivors TODAY! Occupy Isaac Relief Distribution Network Donation Fund for Hurricane Isaac

Yours in Peace & Struggle...


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