Thursday 5 July 2012

Official ProtestersTM of the Olympic GamesTM

Official ProtestersTM of the Olympic GamesTM

Official rhetoric surrounding the London 2012 Olympics presents a shining image of a supportive and festive public, a legacy of local infrastructure improvements, and beautifully toned abs. But there is discontent among the ranks.

Many criticise the Games as merely a vehicle for corporate sponsorship and property development, and point to the destructive effects of so-called ‘regeneration’ imposed on East London.

The Space Hijackers are one such group – but with one key difference. The Space Hijackers are the only Official ProtestersTM of the Olympic GamesTM.

Roughly two thirds of all tickets are thought to be reserved for corporate sponsors rather than being on sale to the general public, but the government still refuses to disclose the exact figure.

Special road routes dubbed ‘VIP Lanes’, will surrender huge swathes of London’s streets to an unspecified entourage of Olympic dignitaries and hangers-on, all day, every day throughout the Games. Proles will be fined £200 for entering them.

Not only will people be prevented from getting to work, but small businesses needing regular deliveries, eg pubs, are likely to go bust in the process.

Draconian security measures will make Bow look like Baghdad, with thousands of army troops deployed, aerial drones used in Afghanistan, missiles stationed on rooftops, and battleships in the Thames – all guarding against the ever-present threat of unspecified and invisible terrorists.

Read on .. much much more ...

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