Sunday, 15 January 2012

Bank of America Calls Police on Occupy Yakima 1-14-2012

Occupy Yakima was protesting in front of Bank of America. None of us even set foot inside of their bank. The bank triggered their alarm and called the Yakima Police Department.

They showed up with rifles, and we had no idea what was going on, so we marched over to Chase Bank. Then, the officers approached us and said that the bank had called the police and that I was in their lobby with a mask on. I told the officers that I never entered their bank, and Officer Miller said, "Yeah. You did." I had three witnesses who said I wasn't in their bank.

The officers asked me for my ID, and I complied. Then, after lecturing us, they left. After a while, another officer showed up and was asking about our protest.

We told her about why were protesting, and she also left. Bank of America was lying to try and get people to stop protesting.

I find it funny that a little group like ours would be a threat to them.

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