Sunday 4 December 2011

WikiLeaks Release Spy Files

WikiLeaks Release Spy Files
This week, WikiLeaks – working in association with Bugged Planet, Privacy International and  media organizations from six countries  –  released a first selection of documents revealing the international trade in mass interception of phone and email communications, citing 160 companies by name

Across the world, mass surveillance contractors are helping intelligence agencies spy on individuals and ‘communities of interest’ on an industrial scale.

The Wikileaks Spy Files reveal the details of which companies are making billions selling sophisticated tracking tools to government buyers, flouting export rules, and turning a blind eye to dictatorial regimes that abuse human rights.

The largely unregulated trade revealed in the Spy Files is a matter of life and death for activists engaged in the struggle for real democracy in the Middle East, but it also represents a clear and present danger to all those living and working in Western societies, whether they are involved in political activity or not.

Speaking at the WikiLeaks press conference on Wednesday, security researcher and human rights activist Jacob Appelbaum, said: “We can go after these companies by simply telling the truth about what they do and the harm they have caused…

Who watches the watchmen?  It’s us, the 99%”

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