Wednesday 7 December 2011


They corrupt Oligarchy fears a winning message that paints them for what they are.

They fear the idea that taxing the rich is an overwhelmingly popular. Even Republicans voters think that we should raise taxes on the rich.

They fear the idea that people everywhere agree that we need to rein in Wall Street.

They fear the idea that we are sick and tired of their wars, we are sick of their bigotry and discrimination, and We The People overwhelmingly want money out of politics.

They fear these ideas so much that they loathe even talking about it. They'd rather talk about death panels or Muslim terrorists, anything but fairness, accountability and economic justice.

Frank Luntz is scared, Fox News is bashing Occupy Wall Street and Wall Street funded Republican Presidential candidates are bashing us too. Why is that?

The answer is simple, when it comes to Occupy Wall Street, when it comes to a conversation about income inequality or corporate accountability . . .

We are winning.

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