Monday 5 December 2011

Occupy Denver Solidarity West Coast Port Blockade - 12 December

In solidarity with Occupy Oakland's call for a coordinated west coast port blockade, Occupy Denver hass passed the proposal for the following solidarity action:

Occupy Denver stands in solidary with our brothers and sisters who will be blocking the economic apparatus of the 1% by shutting down the ports of the world on Dec 12. Occupy Denver is calling for all land locked occupations to do the same with a coordinated shutdown of Walmart distribution centers throughout the United States on December 12th.

We call on every occupation to organize a mass mobilization to shut down its local Walmart distribution center. Our eyes are on their continued union-busting and attacks on organized labor, their unfair trade practices, the slave labor products that are defiling the world.These horrors are being forced on our communities through a coordinated effort between the 1% and the government of the United States through corporate kickbacks, tax credits, and a pattern of unaddressed and unenforced workers’ rights claims. Walmart is a business that has commoditized and enslaved our entire world for the benefit and profit of a very few.

Don't forget, Walmart own Asda in the UK and click HERE to see what else they own across the globe.

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