Wednesday 23 November 2011

We stand by the Occupy movement

We stand by the Occupy movement

This is a movement that resonates with millions across the world who agree that the "99%" are suffering while the "1%" enrich themselves.

We therefore oppose utterly the recent attempts to criminalise and violently disperse occupiers in a string of US cities. This is a deliberate, co-ordinated process of trying to stifle protest. We note that Oakland mayor Jean Quan told the BBC that the move against Occupy Oakland came after a conference call "with 18 cities across the country who had the same situation".

As the 1% comes together in an effort to crush the movement, the 99% must come together to defend it. We stand with the US Occupy movement and similar groups across the world. We are also appalled that the City of London Corporation has renewed its threat to take legal action against the St Paul's occupation.

This well-planned occupation has encouraged debates everywhere about the bailout of the banks, the behaviour of corporations, environmental degradation and the future of society. It should be encouraged, not met by intimidation.

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