Wednesday 25 September 2013

Eliminating the Suffering of Chickens Bred for Meat

This kind of food production is not only unethical and cruel to chickens and other animals living this way, it's also killing us!!

All the bad food we eat is harming our health, making us obese, and ultimately killing us.  We get sick from bad food, we get sicker from big pharma 'trying' to put us right.

We need to eat FRESH food, organic food, locally grown food, we need to know the source of our food.  Shop locally, know where your food comes from, stop eating processed foods.  It really is the only way to stop this happening and to stop us being killed by huge corporations and big pharma.

Chickens bred for meat are raised to six weeks old on floors in long low sheds the size of football fields, where they appear in their first week of life as thousands of indistinguishable yellow chicks, eating, drinking, and mixing with the sawdust and wood chips.

In the weeks that follow, their weight multiplies many times over until, sitting heavily and inert in layers of excrement, lame and in pain, they appear to a person standing in the doorway of the stench-filled shed like lumps of dough stretching into the dark

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