Sunday 10 February 2013

United We Are More Powerful Than if We Are Divided

We see it, you see it, we all see it! As we continue to gain more awareness as a collective there seems to be a segregation forming between those who are “waking up” you could say. 

We all have different ideas of what the truth is and what must be included in new plans of moving forward and creating a new world.

Some of us have differences with consciousness stuff, some with things about health, others with aspects of the government and some about things like religion and beliefs.

Either way we look at it, there is a level of right fighting and nit picking that seems to be happening more and more as we become more aware of what is going on.

Unite and WAKE UP.  Wake up to what's going on, the lies being told to us to keep us fighting each other, rather than to turn and stand together against them, the 'elite'.

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