Friday 15 February 2013

Eisenhower and Kennedy Blow The Whistle: The Military Industrial Complex

The military industrial complex is a phrase used to identify the department of defense and its relationship with the political, corporate, and  financial worlds as well as  other branches within the government. 

It usually refers to the multinational corporations and private contractors (like Lockheed Martin) that military agencies use to develop, plan and build whatever it is they desire with regards to technology, deep underground military bases and more.

There is a separate global power structure on Earth that supersedes the government, and is much more advanced in its understanding of  scientific development, and the true nature of reality.

When it comes to global matters that involve military, financial and corporate interests, or anything involving the health, pharmaceutical and energy industry, decisions and cover ups   are implemented by this power structure by using the resources available to them like the CIA, NSA, FBI, Navy, Army and Air Force. 

When military mixes with industry, coupled with classification of information in order to in slave and control the human race, it creates a not so desirable combination.

Some within the bottom of this pyramidal power structure tried to warn us, like president Dwight Eisenhower in his fair well speech as president in 1961. Here he warns of a separate entity that has more power over decision making and policy than the government does. 

He warms us about the influential power this separate entity has,and its ability to heavily influence what it desires to accomplish.

Do we really face any threats? I don’t think so, events are created in order to justify certain actions, as well as create fear within the human race and push a false sense of patriotism. It’s no coincidence that all of our mainstream media is owned by less than 5 corporations, and those corporations all have ties to the military industrial complex, we have literally been brainwashed.

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