Friday 9 November 2012

Video Of Athens, Greece Looking Like a War Zone As Citizens Protest Austerity

Pretty intense videos here.  Athens, Greece looks like a warzone.

Understand that what is happening in Greece matters to you.  The Greek pro-austerity government won narrowly in recent elections and now they’re trying to enact a budget of huge cuts to government spending on pensions, education, social safety net etc.  

The Greek government is being pressured by the IMF, EU and other banking institutions to make these cuts or they won’t receive future credit lines and then the European Union will kick them out which is complicated because Greece would default on its debts with the Euro.

If Greece controlled its own currency – it could allow it to inflate thus making the debts of its government and its people less burdensome in real terms i.e. inflation; this inflation would also give them an advantage to produce goods at cheaper costs and thusly their economy would start to improve.  

They do not however control their currency and because of that – they’re held to the whims of the European Union.  

What Greece does is significant for economic reasons both in Europe but also America (Europe is 1/3 of the world’s GDP) but also for geopolitical reasons (The U.S./Euro coalition will prevent Baltic states like Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia from gravitating back towards Russia but that’s an entirely different discussion).

Just understand that it affects Americans.

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