Sunday 4 November 2012

Occupy relief activists emerge as reluctant heroes in Sandy aftermath: They boldly go where no FEMA personnel dare going

All those nights camping in Zucotti Park appear to have paid off - big time - for Occupy activists who are possibly not only the most well-prepared, but also the most well-fed and cheerful New Yorkers in town following the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

"Occupy Sandy is a coordinated relief effort to help distribute resources & volunteers to help neighborhoods and people affected by Hurricane Sandy. We are a coalition of people & organizations who are dedicated to implementing aid and establishing hubs for neighborhood resource distribution.

Members of this coalition are from Occupy Wall Street,, and Occupy Sandy Relief.

 Relief from government agencies has been slow to non-existent, according to one Facebook post:

"There continues to be mounting frustration from other residents here. The Red Cross is quickly becoming the villain because it has been invisible. It's a bad sign for the world that Occupy Wall Street and a Sikh group from Queens are doing a better job at distributing hot food than the largest international relief group in the world."
-NY1 Blog: NY1's Bob Hardt Reports On Sandy From Rockaway Beach

Facebook Occupy Sandy Relief

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