Friday 3 August 2012

WHY in the World Are They Spraying? Lifts Veil on Geo-engineering

In my opinion, this film is by far the most in-depth analysis of the chemtrail/geo-engineering issue that I have seen to date, clearly outlining the motives behind this insidious program of altering natural weather patterns, changing soil chemistry, and taking control of our food supply in the process.

“WHY in the World are They Spraying?” lifts the veil on a major geo-engineering agenda that is at the forefront of our fight for food sovereignty.

There are people who are working full time at controlling the food and thereby, controlling the population while maximizing profit at the expense of those whom they profit from, and like a tick that sucks the blood from its host with no thought whatsoever of the host’s health or well being, these people put profit ahead of life. And it appears that they may be spraying our skies… 

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