Wednesday 29 August 2012

Tampa 2012: The Rise Of The Aging, Angry White Guy

While the formal job of the convention is to set a platform and nominate a presidential candidate, somehow the party is going to have to manage the deepening split between the hard right Tea Party activists and establishment Republicans. An early look at speakers and the party platform shows the Tea Party activists are winning.   To start, the party is set to adopt the most conservative platform in modern history. Notable policy positions include a constitutional amendment granting personhood to embryonic cells and banning abortion without exception while giving a high-five to those states who have adopted perverse “informed consent” laws that mandate transvaginal ultrasounds prior to an abortion.

The platform also explicitly denies statehood to Washington D.C. while loosening gun restriction in the District, explores a return to the gold standard and bans women from serving in combat and protects against the ever-increasing threat of sharia law.

Republicans also endorsed a broad replication of anti-immigration laws modeled after Arizona’s SB1070 and refuses to recognize same-sex couples.

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