Sunday 20 May 2012

Army Convoy Heading Towards NATO Summit As Chicago Law Enforcement Prepares For War With Protesters

Chicago police and security personal are set for what they seem to believe will be a full scale battle with protesters during this weekends NATO Summit.

With numerous protest groups set to launch widespread protests throughout the weekend, the police state is out like never before.

In a move eerily reminiscent of the Soviet Union and East Germany, multiple activists were arrested and literally disappeared just days before the summit.

An article published by RT quoted a National Lawyers Guild spokesman in regards to the pre crime arrests:

Hermes adds to the Tribune that “there’s absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing,” and that law enforcement officers were simply trying to make the activists “disappear” days before police expect major anti-NATO protests in Chicago.

“We were literally calling all morning and all afternoon to try to contact these people,” Hermes says. “That’s why we used the term ‘disappeared.’ ”

In a separate statement offered to an NBC News station in Chicago, Hermes adds,

“The city has so far not indicated the reasons for the raid, what they are charging the protesters with, nor provided any evidence of wrongdoing” and that the NLG was still seeking a copy of the search warrant used in the raid.

“Preemptive raids like this are a hallmark of National Special Security Events,” Sarah Gelsomino of the National Lawyers Guild and the People’s Law Office adds in a press release.

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