Monday 23 April 2012

Occupy Wall Street Is Finally Occupying Wall Street (Or At Least Trying)

Seven months after they first set up camp in Zuccotti Park, Occupy Wall Street protesters are actually occupying Wall Street

But after a relatively uneventful week of lawfully sleeping on the sidewalk near the New York Stock Exchange, the protesters have been met with a strong police response over the past two nights.

For the Occupiers, the move to Wall Street -- after a month of high-profile efforts to establish a camp uptown in Union Square -- represents a refocusing on the movement's original message.

"I think it's good we're back down here at Wall Street," said David Intrator, a frequent protest participant. "We're literally confronting the powers that be. "It's good for people who work on Wall Street to see every day and every night a different point of view."

"People say, 'Well, why do they have to be here?'" Dobbs said. "But the alternative is you're in your house, where you can't change anything, except by clicking online petitions. There's something special about these camps: It means the people have power. That's why the police want to make sure no one can get out of their house and gather."

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