Friday 6 April 2012

Big Pharma - Lies and more Lies

A top expert criticizes not only the study’s methodology, but the familiar commercial intent behind the study.

The AMA, which is heavily funded by Pharma, put out a study purporting to show that vitamins are a threat to people’s lives.

Bloomberg phrased it this way:

“Multivitamins and some dietary supplements, used regularly by an estimated 234 million US adults, may do more harm than good, according to a study that tied their use to higher death rates among older women… We see little justification for the general and widespread use of dietary supplements.”

The authors suggest that multivitamins “may” increase the “risk” of death.

The Alliance for Natural Health, in an article entitled Shame of the AMA Archives of Internal Medicine, criticized the blatant lack of science behind the study.

But Pharma has a big problem.

Their questionable study is more than countered by a study indicating the exact opposite of the AMA/Pharma article.  Block, et al., at the University of California Berkeley, published “Usage patterns, health, and nutritional status of long-term multiple dietary supplement users: a cross-sectional study,” which showed that the more supplements people take, the greater their health.  And the UC Berkeley study was not based on self-reports.  The researchers actually tested people.

Pharma has another problem.

As they now need people to fear vitamins, they are left with two glaring, uncomfortable facts: There have been no deaths from vitamins — none at all — in 27 years; and over the same 22 years of the science-less “vitamins may kill you” study, at least 2,200,000 people in the US died because of synthetic drugs (based on 100,000 deaths a year from prescription drugs).  If half were women, that would be at least 1,100,000 women who actually died.  Not women who, based on a scientifically worthless study of statistically insignificant (and massaged) data, might have died.

Should people be worried about Pharma’s synthetic drugs which are THE leading cause of death in the country or about vitamins which have zero history of killing and are crucial to health?

Should people be worried that media can use a lousy study of self-reported data as the basis of stirring up fear of what are both harmless and necessities for life, so pharma can push through laws or FDA regulations to make sure people can’t have them, and have access only to pharma’s drugs?

Is the public aware of pharma’s lies and corruption?

Is it aware that the pharmaceutical industry is an investment business dependent not on health but on diseases and has been doing all it can to remove access to nutritional supplements because nutritional supplements cure diseases? Excerpts from the Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry:

“It is not in the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry to prevent common diseases…

“The pharmaceutical investment industry was artificially created and strategically developed over an entire century by the same investment groups that control the global petrochemical and chemical industries…

“The marketplace for the pharmaceutical industry is the human body – but only for as long as the body hosts diseases.

“Thus, maintaining and expanding diseases is a precondition for the growth of the pharmaceutical industry..

“A key strategy to accomplish this goal is the development of drugs that merely mask symptoms while avoiding the curing or elimination of diseases. This explains why most prescription drugs marketed today have no proven efficacy and merely target symptoms.

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