Saturday 26 November 2011

Evicting the Occupiers of Capitalism - We Will Win!

Evicting the Occupiers of Capitalism
From London to Toronto, New York to Vancouver, the 'Occupiers' of capitalism are facing evictions and other challenges.

The changes will come. Not maybe - for sure.

Oh, those juvenile, addicted and delinquent crazy people working at places like Wall Street complain about Occupy already. But when the changes are seriously implemented - when the necessary structural adjustments are not just ideas but reality - those crybaby billionaires (and wannabes) will kick and scream and throw their food all over the kitchen. They can't help it, because they're crazy.
But in the end the world will be a better place, even for money grubbers. So the crazy, delinquent, juvenile punks in high finance will be grateful.

That's right, kids, when you finally grown up you'll thank us.

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